China 2.0: The Transformation of an Emerging Superpower And the New Opportunities 中国2.0 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

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Web 2.0 has been much more profound in its impact on China than on any other country. China is in the midst of a radical transformation that has-thus far-not been well understood, especially by foreigners. Interconnection and collaboration among Chinese citizens using Web 2.0 is real and massive, and the level of connectivity is staggering. The mobilization of public opinion has caused a new social order in China.
Besides fundamentally altering the social order, Web 2.0 is impacting massively on the way that information is distributed and the way public opinion is handled. Even more profoundly, it is creating a level of political transparency and institutional reforms which China has thus far avoided. It is no exaggeration to claim that a completely new era -China 2.0- has arrived.
This book maps the ways in which China is being transformed socially, politically, technologically and economically-and the implications of those changes for a variety of stakeholders. One thing is absolutely clear-engaging with China on the basis of previous philosophies and practices will not work in China 2.0.
While China 2.0 poses new challenges, it also creates a multitude of new opportunities. At a time in world economic history when options are disappearing much faster than they are being created, and in which new crises appear on an almost daily basis, understanding China 2.0 should not be regarded as something that is merely interesting but, rather, as something that is imperative.
"... perceptive read."
"This book will be an imperative read for business people, policymakers, researchers and students seeking to understand the new order facing China...
- China Daily
"... A remarkable book, which should be read by all those trying to understand the effects of the rapid economic, political, and social changes which China is undergoing, and their effects upon the world."
- The Berglund Center for Internet Studies
"Anyone whose life is impacted by engagement with China needs to read this book..."
- The Chartered Institute of Marketing (Hong Kong)
Marina Zhang addresses her topic with vigor and a touch of involved passion that is often missing from the clinical analyses that frequent the China business bookshelves. The impact of technology on China's development and the way it is so thoroughly informing China's economic and social transformation is a significant insight which Ms. Zhang's book explores in well-researched detail and through fresh eyes. China 2.0 is a cogent and worthwhile addition to any China businessman's or scholar's bookshelf.
-- Clinton Dines, Former CEO, BHP Billiton China
There is no lack of opinions about China, and certainly there is much information. Those that succeed know how to find information that is factual, rich and that can serve as a guide. That is what China 2.0 does. It is a resourceful guide for anyone looking for success in China's booming economy.
-- Scott Kronick, President, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, Beijing
Want to reach China's one billion consumers? Then China 2.0 will be your indispensible guide to understanding this transforming giant, from leveraging Internet and Web 2.0 channels to working with China's emerging private capital markets. Don't venture into China without it!
-- Charlene Li, Partner, Altimeter Group, and Co-author of Groundswell
A key question in China's evolution towards a fully modern economy is whether it can develop efficient and possibly new types of firm and new social institutions. This will depend heavily on how information comes to be handled. This pioneering book compellingly explores this highly significant new question.
-- Gordon Redding, Professor of Asian Business, INSEAD, and Author of The Future of Chinese Capitalism
The unique and compelling viewpoint offered by Marina Zhang on the changes in China, and the impact that new and emerging technologies are having in this transformation, makes China 2.0 a positive exception to the question of whether or not the world really needs another China business book.
-- Michael Ricks, CEO, Investor Growth Capital Asia Limited, and Former CEO, Ericsson China
This book opens the lid on the new era that has begun inside China as it is transformed by the power of new technologies, led by Web 2.0. With insights that only an insider can bring, it deftly highlights the opportunities and challenges for business people, policymakers, researchers and students alike. If reading this book doesn't open your eyes, cause you to abandon old prejudices and lead you to redefine your responses to one of the most far-reaching developments in the world today, then nothing will!
-- Peter J. Williamson, Professor of International Management, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, and Author of Dragons at Your Door
Web 2.0 has been much more profound in its impact on China than on any other country. China is in the midst of a radical transformation that has-thus far-not been well understood, especially by foreigners. Interconnection and collaboration among Chinese citizens using Web 2.0 is real and massive, and the level of connectivity is staggering. The mobilization of public opinion has caused a new social order in China. Besides fundamentally altering the social order, Web 2.0 is impacting massively on the way that information is distributed and the way public opinion is handled. Even more profoundly, it is creating a level of political transparency and institutional reforms which China has thus far avoided. It is no exaggeration to claim that a completely new era -China 2.0- has arrived. This book maps the ways in which China is being transformed socially, politically, technologically and economically-and the implications of those changes for a variety of stakeholders. One thing is absolutely clear-engaging with China on the basis of previous philosophies and practices will not work in China 2.0. While China 2.0 poses new challenges, it also creates a multitude of new opportunities. At a time in world economic history when options are disappearing much faster than they are being created, and in which new crises appear on an almost daily basis, understanding China 2.0 should not be regarded as something that is merely interesting but, rather, as something that is imperative.
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