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The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
The Story of the Bad Little Boy
The Story of the Good Little Boy
Cannibalism in the Cars
Legend of the Capitoline Venus
The Facts in the Great Beef Contract
How I Edited an Agricultural Paper
Political Economy
Science v.s. Luck
A True Story Repeated Word for Word As I Heard It
Edward Mills and George Benton:A Tale
The Invalid's Story
The Stolen White Elephant
A Ghost Story
Is He living or Is He Dead?
The $ 1,000,000 Bank-Note
Running for Governor
The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg
Was It Heaven? or Hell?
A Dog's Tale
The $30,000 Bequest
Extract from Captain Storrnfield's Visit to Heaven
The Mysterious Stranger
马克·吐温(1835-1910)原名塞缪尔·兰霍恩·克莱门斯(Samuel LanghorneClemens),是我国读者最熟悉的伟大的美国作家之一,被誉为近代幽默文学的泰斗,代表美国文学的世界一流作家。他出生于美国密苏里州的一个小职员家庭,幼时家境贫寒,他很小就开始工作。父亲在他12岁那年去世,从此他开始了独立谋生。他先在印刷所当学徒,同时给地方小报写文章赚钱。21岁时,对轮船上的领港员生活发生极大兴趣,决定拜师学艺。密西西比河上4年领港生活使他熟悉各式各样的人,这一段经历为他日后的创作提供了许多素材。他的笔名马克·吐温就取自船工生活:mark是“测标”,twain为“两英寻(合12英尺)”,“测标两英寻”说明这里是安全水位,可以顺利通航。1861年,南北战争爆发,马克·吐温只当了14天兵,因为目击一位士兵的死亡而厌恶战争,在一次战斗中得以侥幸逃脱。而后他随着美国的淘金狂潮去内华达淘金,企图以此发财。但幸运之神并没有光顾他,于是他去报馆工作,从此开始创作生涯。
"Look here,Henry,you alarm me.Didn't I tell you the whole storyon the way here?"
"Yes ,I."
"I'll be hanged if I heard a word of it."
"Henry,this is a serious thing.It troubles me.What did you takeup yonder at the minister's?"
Then it all flashed on me,and I owned up like a man.
"I took the dearest girl in this world-prisoner!"
So then he came with a rush,and we shook,and shook,and shook tillour hands ached; and he didn't blame me for not having heard a wordof a story which had lasted while we walked three miles.He just satdown then,like the patient,good fellow he was,and told it all overagain.Synopsized,it amounted to this: He had come to England withwhat he thought was a grand opportunity; he had an " option" tosell the Gould and Curry Extension for the"I ocators" of it,andkeep all he could get over a million dollars.He had worked hard,hadpulled every wire he knew of,had left no honestexpedientuntried,had spent nearly all the money he had in theworld,had notbeen able to get a solitary capitalist to listen tohim,and his option would run out at the end of the month.In aword,he was ruined.Then he jumped up and cried out:
"Henry,you can save me! You can save me,and you're the only manin the universe that can.Will you do it? Won't you do it?"
" Tell me how.Speak out,my boy."
"Give me a million and my passage home for my 'option' IDon't,don't refuse!"
I was in a kind of agony.I was right on the point of coming outwith the words,"Lloyd,I'm a pauper myself-absolutely penniless,andin debt! " But a white-hot idea came flaming through my head,and Igripped my jaws together,and calmed myself down till I was as coldas acapitalist.Then I said,in a commercial and self-possessedway:"I will save you,Lloyd"
"Then I'm already saved! God be merciful to you forever! Ifever!"
"Let me finish,Lloyd.I will save you,but not in that way; forthat would not be fair to you,after your hard work,and the risksyou've run.I don't need to buy mines; I can keep my capitalmoving,macommercial center like London,without that; it's what I'mat,all the time; but here is what I'll do.I know all about thatmine,of course,I know its immense value,and can swear to it ifanybody wishes it.You shall sell out inside of the fortnight forthree millionscash,using my name freely,and we'll divide,share andshare alike."
Do you know,he would have danced the furniture to kindling-woodin his insane joy,and broken everything on the place,f' Ihadn'ttripped him up and tied him.
Then he lay there,perfectly happy,saying:
"I may use your namel Your name-think of it Man,they'll flock indroves,these rich Londoners; they'll fight for that stock! I'm amade man,I'm a made man forever,and I'll never forget you aslong asI live"
In less than twenty-four hours London was abuzz! I hadn'tanything to do,day after day,but sit at home,and say to allcomers:"Yes; I told him to refer to me.I know the man,and I knowthe mine.His character is above reproach,and the mine is worth farmore than he asks for it."
Meantime I spent all my evenings at the minister's with Portia.Ididn't say a word to her about the mine; I saved it for asurprise.Wetalked salary; never anything but salary andlove,sometimes love,sometimes salary,sometimes love and salarytogether.And my!the interest the minister's wife and daughter tookin our little afiair,and the endless ingenuities they invented tosave us from interruption,and to keep the minister in the dark andunsuspicious-well,it was just lovely of them !
When the month was up at last,l had a million dollars to mycredit in the London and County Bank,and Hastings was fixed in thesame way.Dressed at my level best,l drove by the house in PortlandPlace,judged by the look of things that my birds were homeagain,went on towards the minister's and got my precious,and westarted back,talking salary with all our might.She was so excitedand anxious that it made her just intolerably beautiful.Isaid:
" Dearie,the way you're looking it's a crime to strike for asalary a single penny under three thousand a year."
"Henry,Henry,you'll ruin usl"
"Don't you be afraid.Just keep up those looks,and trust tome.
It'll all come out right."
So,as it turned out,l had to keep bolstering up her courage aUthe way.She kept pleading with me,and saying:" Oh,please rememberthat ifwe ask for too much we may get no salary at all,and thenwhat will become of us,with no way in the world to earn ourliving?"
We were ushered in by that same servant,and there they were,thetwo old gentlemen.Of course,they were surprised to see thatwonderful creature with me,but I said:"It's all right,gentlemen;she is my future stay and helpmate."
And I introduced them to her,and called them by name.It didn'tsurprise them; they knew I would know enough to consult thedirectory.They seated us,and were very polite to me,and verysoLicitous to relieve her from embarrassment,and put her as much ather ease as they could.Then I said:
" Gentlemen,l am ready to report."
"We are glad to hear it,"said my man,"for now we can decide thebet which my brother Abel and I made.If you have won for me,youshall have any situation in my gift.Have you the million-pound note? "
" Here it is,sir," and I handed it to him.
"I've won!" he shouted,and slapped Abel on the back." Now what doyou say,brother?"
"I say he did survive,and I've lost twenty thousand pounds.Inever would have believed it."
"I've a further report to make,"I said," and a pretty long one.Iwant you to let me come soon,and detail my whole month'shistory;and I promise you it's worth hearing.Meantime,take a lookat that."
"What,man! Certificate of deposit for 200,000.Is it yours?"
"Mine.I earned it by thirty days' judicious use of that littleloan you let me have.And the only use I made ofit was to buytrifles and offer the bill in change."
" Come,this is astonishing! It's incredible,man ! "
" Never mind,I'll prove it.Don't take my word unsupported."
But now Portia's turn was come to be surprised.Her eyes werespread wide,and she said:"Henry,is that really your money? Have youbeen fibbing tome?"
"I have,indeed,dearie.But you'll forgive me,I know."
She put up an arch pout,and said:"Don't you be so sure.You are anaughty thing to deceive me so !"
"Oh,you'll get over it,sweetheart,you'll get over it; it was onlyfun,you know.Come,let's be going."
◆权威版本,呈现原汁原味的英文名著。本套丛书大部分参考美国企鹅出版集团出版的“企鹅经典丛书”(Penguin Classics)和英国华兹华斯出版公司出版的世界名著系列(Wordsworth Classics)两种版本进行校对。力求为读者呈现*原汁原味的英文名著。
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