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You know how it is. That special event just around the corner and you can’t fit into your designer jeans. You need a fool-proof, emergency weight-loss method that really works and works fast. So how do you safely and quickly lose those extra pounds?
Once again, renowned health pioneer and bestselling author Ann Louise Gittleman has a quick, no-strings-attached solution that is also good for you. She is always on the cutting edge of developing new methods to rejuvenate the body and facilitate weight loss and she’s done it again in The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet. Gittleman takes the age-old method of fasting and incorporates it into a safe and healthy one-day plan that helps you lose weight fast, gets rid of toxins, and gives your body a cleansing boost to prepare it for even more weight loss down the road.
The plan itself is blissfully simple:
THE PREQUEL: Seven days of adding detox support foods to your diet to prepare your body for the one-day Fast
THE FAST: One day of sipping Gittleman’s “Miracle Juice,” a deliciously spiced mixture of herbs and spices specially designed to stave off hunger, balance blood sugar, boost metabolism, and replenish nutrients (no kidding, the juice is completely delicious)
THE SEQUEL: Three days of reintroducing supportive and immune-boosting foods into your diet to seal in the results
That’s all. There’s no need for a strict maintenance plan or more dieting because the Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet purges your body of fattening toxins so that you’ll keep losing weight once you’re finished. What’s more, if you can’t add those healthy foods to your diet in the Prequel and Sequel, Gittleman provides a list of replacement supplements that you can easily find in your local health food store or online.
So, use The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet to jump start an over-40 metabolism, melt away vacation or holiday pounds, break a diet plateau, get in shape for that high school reunion or wedding, and even help heal a chronic illness. Even if you’ve been slow to lose weight in the past, the pounds will melt away quickly during your one-day fast. Inside there are recipes to prepare for the fast, shopping lists, and tips for sailing through the fast.
In addition, Ann Louise Gittleman shares the wisdom she’s gained from years of research on health, diet, and nutrition. You’ll find out about hidden toxins found in the environment and in everyday foods, and learn easy steps you can take to live healthier every day.
The perfect diet: simplicity, effortless weight loss, and obvious health benefits from a nutritionist with a proven tack record. You’ll feel so good after your first fast, you’ll want to incorporate the Fast Track’s cleansing principles and periodic fasting into your life for good.
Don’t delay, it’s time to jump on the Fast Track to a lighter, healthier you.
Ready, Set, Glow
What if you could lose three to eight pounds in a single day?
What if that nearly instant weight loss made you feel lighter, freer, cleaner, and more energized?
What if that single day began a healing, cleansing, revitalizing process, raising your awareness of the poisons that pollute our environment and purging your body of the toxins that set you up for weight gain, fatigue, and a host of deadly, debilitating diseases
What if that one day of weight loss could help jump-start a long-term weight-loss plan?
Well, that single day is here. With Ann Louise Gittleman’s The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet you can:
Cleanse your system back to health
Get rid of unhealthy, fattening toxins
Safely lose up to 8 pounds overnight and keep them off for good
The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet is a whole new way to think about weight loss. This is the first crash diet that not only works in the long run, but is also good for you.
You know how it is. That special event just around the corner and you can’t fit into your designer jeans. You need a fool-proof, emergency weight-loss method that really works and works fast. So how do you safely and quickly lose those extra pounds?
Once again, renowned health pioneer and bestselling author Ann Louise Gittleman has a quick, no-strings-attached solution that is also good for you. She is always on the cutting edge of developing new methods to rejuvenate the body and facilitate weight loss and she’s done it again in The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet. Gittleman takes the age-old method of fasting and incorporates it into a safe and healthy one-day plan that helps you lose weight fast, gets rid of toxins, and gives your body a cleansing boost to prepare it for even more weight loss down the road.
The plan itself is blissfully simple:
THE PREQUEL: Seven days of adding detox support foods to your diet to prepare your body for the one-day Fast
THE FAST: One day of sipping Gittleman’s “Miracle Juice,” a deliciously spiced mixture of herbs and spices specially designed to stave off hunger, balance blood sugar, boost metabolism, and replenish nutrients (no kidding, the juice is completely delicious)
THE SEQUEL: Three days of reintroducing supportive and immune-boosting foods into your diet to seal in the results
That’s all. There’s no need for a strict maintenance plan or more dieting because the Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet purges your body of fattening toxins so that you’ll keep losing weight once you’re finished. What’s more, if you can’t add those healthy foods to your diet in the Prequel and Sequel, Gittleman provides a list of replacement supplements that you can easily find in your local health food store or online.
So, use The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet to jump start an over-40 metabolism, melt away vacation or holiday pounds, break a diet plateau, get in shape for that high school reunion or wedding, and even help heal a chronic illness. Even if you’ve been slow to lose weight in the past, the pounds will melt away quickly during your one-day fast. Inside there are recipes to prepare for the fast, shopping lists, and tips for sailing through the fast.
In addition, Ann Louise Gittleman shares the wisdom she’s gained from years of research on health, diet, and nutrition. You’ll find out about hidden toxins found in the environment and in everyday foods, and learn easy steps you can take to live healthier every day.
The perfect diet: simplicity, effortless weight loss, and obvious health benefits from a nutritionist with a proven tack record. You’ll feel so good after your first fast, you’ll want to incorporate the Fast Track’s cleansing principles and periodic fasting into your life for good.
Don’t delay, it’s time to jump on the Fast Track to a lighter, healthier you.
Ready, Set, Glow
What if you could lose three to eight pounds in a single day?
What if that nearly instant weight loss made you feel lighter, freer, cleaner, and more energized?
What if that single day began a healing, cleansing, revitalizing process, raising your awareness of the poisons that pollute our environment and purging your body of the toxins that set you up for weight gain, fatigue, and a host of deadly, debilitating diseases
What if that one day of weight loss could help jump-start a long-term weight-loss plan?
Well, that single day is here. With Ann Louise Gittleman’s The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet you can:
Cleanse your system back to health
Get rid of unhealthy, fattening toxins
Safely lose up to 8 pounds overnight and keep them off for good
The Fast Track One-Day Detox Diet is a whole new way to think about weight loss. This is the first crash diet that not only works in the long run, but is also good for you.
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